Dota 2 patch meta memes
Dota 2 patch meta memes

dota 2 patch meta memes

Echo Stomp: Shard now also reduces Cooldown by 2s.Base Movement Speed increased from 295 to 300.Exorcism: Active Movement Speed Bonus decreased from 12/16/20 percent to 8/12/16 percent.Spirit Siphon: Charge Restore Time increased from 36/34/32/30s to 38s.Crypt Swarm: Cooldown increased from 8/7/6/5s to 9/8/7/6s.Luminosity: Healing from Heroes rescaled from 30/40/50/60 percent to 35/40/45/50 percent.Starbreaker: Movement Speed during Starbreaker with Shard is now decreased by 25 percent to a minimum of 215.Talents: Level 15 Talent Bonus Health from Ion Shell increased from +225 to +250.Mana Burn rescaled from 100 to 20 + 2x INT.Mana Aura Regen Bonus decreased from 2.0 to 1.75.Neutral creep updates in Dota 2 patch 7.32c Fixed and clarified a number of ability tooltips.Fixed a number of abilities having incorrect Area of Effect indicators.Fixed the interaction of Rubick’s Telekinesis cooldown, cooldown reduction effects, and telekinesis on allies.Fixed Tusk losing Snowball ability when affected by Spirit Breaker’s Planar Pocket.Fixed Spirit Breaker’s Planar Pocket creating two bouncing projectiles when hit by Paralyzing Cask, Shuriken Toss and Chain Frost.Fixed Rubick with Aghanim’s Shard, stealing Anti-Mage’s Counterspell, and receiving the Shard aura permanently.Fixed Riki not attacking immediately after Blink Strike, if the target is moving.Fixed Primal Beast interactions with Glimpse and X Marks The Spot.Fixed Phoenix Fire Spirit values not updated for 7.32.Fixed Monkey King Shard still granting some old bonuses.Fixed Meepo clones in Fountain Invulnerability ignoring commands sent to all units.Fixed Meepo’s illusions not gaining the item stored in the Rat Pack neutral slot.(now will only stop if Mars is stunned or disarmed) Fixed Mars Bulwark soldiers stopping attacking if Mars is rooted, silenced, etc.Fixed Lifestealer’s Level 25 Talent Rage Duration not working correctly.Fixed Hoodwink’s tree having too large a hitbox causing Bushwhacks to sometimes not connect when it looks like they should.Fixed Ember Spirit only being able to cast Fire Remnant towards the right side of the map when traveling during the activation of Activate Fire Remnant.Fixed Elder Titan not gaining the Astral Spirit buff if used on Magic Immune enemies.Fixed Earth Spirit Boulder Smash targeting corpses.Fixed Earth Spirit double clicking Stone Remnant while rolling, placing the stone behind the hero.Fixed Earth Spirit Shard not instantly providing +4 Stone Remnant charges.Fixed Earth Spirit’s Rolling Boulder Damage piercing Magic Immunity.Fixed Doom with Aghanim’s Scepter doing bonus damage to units with high Status Resistance in its area.Fixed Doom with Aghanim’s Scepter interaction with stolen Doom.Fixed Death Prophet being able to reapply Spirit Siphon to the same target multiple times if a dispel was applied.Fixed Dark Seer retaining Normal Punch without Scepter.

dota 2 patch meta memes

Fixed Centaur Warrunner’s Hitch a Ride being dispelled when Centaur was vertically displaced or moved out of world (This affects things like Telekinesis, Flamebreak, Toss, etc.).Fixed Occult Bracelet not removing Mana Regen stacks if dropped.Fixed some neutral creeps casting their abilities at night when they should be sleeping (Centaurs, Hellbears, Ogre Bruisers, Ancient Thunderhides).Here are all the patch notes for the Dota 2 patch 7.32c. The Poison Attack will be weaker in early levels with no changes to its late game potential. The hero has been a nightmare to play against for safe lane carries mainly due to the continuous movement speed slow of Poison Attack which was nerfed in patch 7.32c. Despite receiving major nerfs in the first iterations of patch 7.32, Viper also continued to stay relevant.

Dota 2 patch meta memes