Bose freespace 51 speakers
Bose freespace 51 speakers



On your patio or by your pool, on your deck or in your garden, the Bose® Free Space® 51 speaker delivers a level of sound quality unprecedented with an in- or on-ground speaker. All in all, if you are on a budget, the TIC GS3 gets the job done and lasts through harsh conditions, but if you have the $ to burn, go with the Bose, you will not be disappointed.Now you can enjoy the pleasures of your favorite music practically anywhere in your yard, thanks to our most versatile outdoor speaker. They sound great and seem really durable due to the design ( speaker faces down instead of up to resist water and dirt sitting on the drivers, which is what probably got to my GS3s). The Bose 51s seem more sensitive and the mid and high range is crisp and clear and they do not get drowned out by the yamahas under my eaves at low volume. This of course could be due to age wear and tear.

bose freespace 51 speakers


Bass is good with the GS3s due to the 8" woofer as compared to the 4.5" driver in the Bose, but mild distortion was evident on both low and high frequencies, and the mid and high range seemed to be drowned out by the bass. Here is a direct comparison: the GS3s can handle high power and in my opinion, sound better as you crank them up, but seem less sensitive than the Bose 51s, demanding more volume. I was going to get another set of the GS3s, but decided to try the Bose instead. They still sounded pretty good when I replaced them, but the time and weather had taken some life out of them and they started to distort and get drowned out by the yamahas. I received several compliments on them over the years from houseguests that were impressed with the placement and sound quality. Let me be clear, for the $, the GS3s are an incredible speaker and tremendous value that lasted 4+years of Northeast winters and summers, while being exposed the whole time to the elements and my irrigation system. My current setup is as follows: a higher end Yamaha receiver from around year 2000 with Yamaha ns-aw390 speakers on the A channel mounted under eaves pointing down towards my patio, and the Bose freespace 51s on the B channel in the flowerbeds on both sides of the patio. I bought these to replace a set of TIC GS3 omnispeakers that I had planted in flowerbeds next to my patio. The five year warranty and other reviews where customers replace after a decade where enough to convince me these would be the durable and the fact the driver is somewhat protected as it’s downward facing.


I’ve had outdoor wall mount speakers with larger drivers from a boutique brand in the past that sound almost as good but didn’t hold up to northeast weather even being taken in for the winter. I’ve got a 6’ privacy fence and house on that helps to contain the sound.

bose freespace 51 speakers

I’ve got them spaced 12’ feet apart and again plenty t o fill up my 120’ by 60’ backyard and pool space. The multidirectional nature and acoustic enclosure make the the best use of the driver output and imaging between the two sounds great.

bose freespace 51 speakers

As they’ve been installed now for a few weeks partially buried, they’re truly amazing in the amount of detail and base and are loud enough to get your neighbors to complain and perfect for entertaining as background and listening purposes. I’ll attribute the difference in sound quality to being designed for an unlimited outdoor space. I hooked these up in my closed space garage and felt let down but then tried outside in the locations where they’d be installed and was amazed at how good they sound. I was a bit skeptical on the driver size providing enough sound and volume but these are really amazing. Skeptical at first but very happy with volume, clarity

Bose freespace 51 speakers